In the other country, it is called as Holy Week. The start of Holy week is Palm Sunday. Every Palm Sunday of the Year, the Catholic Church's priest will bless the palm branches after the mass has ended, Palm leaves symbolizes the Victory and Resurrection.
"When Jesus entered Jerusalem riding upon a donkey, His disciples followed the Roman tradition of placing palm fronds in a conqueror's path and waving palm branches to welcome a triumphant war hero into the city. They apparently believed He was the Messiah who would drive the Romans out of Israel (John 12:12-13). Today, Christians see that His victory was over sin and death and Jesus is often portrayed holding a palm frond as the sign of His triumph over the devil."
After the Palm Sunday it will followed by the next day Holy Monday, Holy Tuesday, Holy Wednesday up to Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, Black Saturday and Easter Sunday.
Most of the Filipino People commits during Holy Week. It is called "Senakulo" or Cenacle in english, it is a traditional play of Jesus Christ's passion and death that is staple in most towns and cities. I grab a photo from my cousin's album:

These kids potrayed the crucifixion of Jesus Christ.
I believe that the Philippines is still prevailing a Catholic country. with some religion minorities.